I finally got around to taking some new pictures of the baby's room that I think do it more justice than the previous ones I had taken. Prior to the makeover, this was William's room. It's the smallest bedroom in our house so, needing just a twin bed and a dresser, it was perfect for him. The walls used to be a medium shade of green and I actually really liked the color. But now that we've painted it a dull yellow, I like this color so much better.
This room is at the end of our hallway. The windows face East and South giving it a plethora of sunlight. It has quickly become my favorite bedroom in the house.
We spent the most money making over this room--but still only around $350 which includes the dresser, the chair, paint and new blinds. We bought the small white dresser at Ikea for around $100 and we bought the chair for around $140. I'm a veteran at this mom thing now so I didn't waste my money on a changing table that will last us two years tops. Instead I just threw a changing mat on top of the dresser.

I knew I needed some sort of a chair in this room for nursing purposes but I didn't want to spend a ton of money on a glider or any other type of chair that couldn't be easily incorporated into another room after my nursing days are over. This chair from Ikea is SO comfy. There's just enough rock in it to lull a little one to sleep. (Hopefully.) There have been a few trying days lately when Brian comes home from work to find me sitting peacefully in this chair while the kids are downstairs fighting or playing or doing something I'm trying not to pay attention to for just five minutes.
You see that white bench in the background? We have no idea what's under it! I tried to peel back a wooden plank but it wouldn't give.

So a bench it remains. For now I've decided to use it for these baskets (that I already owned) and rolled up a bunch of baby blankets to display. I'm not sure what it will become later on. Suggestions? Previously, William used it for his stuffed animals and then later as a spot to play with his beloved Batman Cave.

One of the tough things about living in a 90-year-old home is that every bedroom has a radiator that takes up wall/floor space. I actually really love having radiators as opposed to forced air. I have zero allergies in the winter and we get a lot less dust bunnies flying around. But having radiators in every room is a challenge when deciding furniture layout.
I wasn't sure where to put the crib in this room but in the end Brian convinced me to put it between the radiator and door (which is closed in this picture). He reminded me that in the winter this room gets extra cold and it would be nice to have this heat so close to the baby. And for the safety conscious, don't worry. The radiator is never too hot to touch.
The crib is a bit cluttered and unfinished at the moment until we find out baby's gender. I washed my pink and blue Pottery Barn Kids crib bumper and dust ruffle and my mom is all excited to set it up when she comes to watch the kids while I'm in the hospital.
And now for the "ahh, cute" factor. William is in the middle of a shapes/learning-to-cut-with-scissors unit at school and made this mobile. I tied a knot at the top of the yarn and hung it from the mobile my sister gifted me with way back when William was a newborn. Already William loves to stand on the stool and wind it up.
You'll notice that, other than an actual baby, this room is also missing wall decor. I'm still trying to decide exactly what to do and where to put it all. I do have a large white picture frame that currently features nine 4x6 newborn pictures of Lucy. I'll probably use that. And then I've been secretly admiring Etsy items like
this or
any of these. But I'm still undecided. I welcome other suggestions!