Monday, July 30, 2012

Pregnancy And Breastfeeding [And A Giveaway!]

When I found out I was pregnant for the fourth time the aspect that caused the most tears and frustration was trying to breastfeed my infant daughter. When that second line turned pink, she wasn't even six-months-old yet. I was able to nurse my other two children with relative ease until their first birthday. And now, here we were, not even to the halfway mark.

When my milk supply dropped, I immediately started solid foods to make sure she was getting "enough." But every nursing mother knows that food and nutrition are only one part of breastfeeding. The comfort and bonding part are just as important to mother and baby.

The bedtime routine was the worst. She would get her dinner, have a bath, we would read a Sandra Boynton book and then we'd settle in "the chair." She'd latch on and after a minute or so of some fierce sucking, she'd throw her head back and cry out in frustration. I'd switch sides and try again. We'd do this over and over until finally she was able to get a tiny amount. It was enough to calm her down and ready her for bed. And then I would pray that she wouldn't wake in the middle of the night because if she did, I knew she would want to nurse and my body wouldn't be able to provide her anything until morning.

As she got older and we started introducing a larger variety of solid foods, she became less interested in nursing. In fact, within the past month she's all out refused me. The only time she wants to nurse now is in the morning right after she's woken up.

During this period I was lucky to have support from some pretty amazing doctors. I have heard stories from other parents about being warned, reprimanded even, for not "following the rules." Most doctors will recommend breastmilk or formula until age 1. No exceptions. And Katherine was even more of a concern as she is on the lighter side of things. At her nine-month check last week she weighed in at just over 15 pounds; the third percentile.

The problem, thus far, is that Katherine loathes formula. We've tried it in every form you can think of. She spits it out, bats the bottle or cup away and scrunches up her eyebrows as she glares at you as if to say, "Are you being serious right now?!"

"Look at her!" Her doctor exclaimed. "She's perfect. Yes, small. But healthy!"

Thank goodness for doctors like these.

She relieved me of my guilt and frustration. Her instructions were this: nurse when you can, forget about the formula and don't be afraid to add butter or heavy cream to her food! We'll be able to start whole cow's milk when she turns 11 months.
Earth's Best Organic Sensitivity Infant FormulaFormula didn't work for us. But if we needed it, I'm glad there are options like Earth's Best.

Earth's Best Organic Infant Formula is the first FDA approved formula in the organic segment.  The Sensitivity Infant Formula offers a unique organic whey protein formulation.  And because the formula is lower in lactose, it's gentler on babies with sensitive tummies.

A Giveaway!
Earth's Best is offering one of my readers one free 23.2oz container of Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula.  To enter, simply leave a comment on this post. (Make sure you include your email address so I can contact you if you're a winner.)  Deadline to enter is Monday, August 6 at noon (Central Time).

If you don't currently have a bottlefed child at home, I encourage you to enter anyway.  Most people know at least one person who would appreciate a free container of formula.  And if not, I've found out first-hand how thankful local food shelves or pregnancy crisis centers are to receive formula donations.

* Earth's Best has provided me with one container of formula for review purposes and one to give away.  As always, all opinions are 100% my own.**This contest is now closed.  The winner is #4 - @Carla**

Friday, July 27, 2012

7 Quick Takes [7.27.12]

1.  I'm writing this morning from my brand new laptop.  So exciting!  With three plus kids I needed something more mobile than a desktop.  So the desktop will go to the kids (when they are old enough to really need it) and I get this shiny new toy.

2.  I'm trying not to let the new toy become a time suck which is easier said than done.  So I'm slowly but surely breaking it in.  Last night I set up my email and this morning I tackled pictures and videos setup.  Now I'm writing this post and then logging off for the rest of the day.  No, really.  I swear.

3.  The Olympics are starting this weekend!  Are you as excited as me?  Gymnastics are my favorite event but after that it's all tied between the swimming and track & field competitions.  Oh and beach volleyball.  And Brian likes the weight-lifting.  How can you choose just one?!  I'm mostly excited that this time the kids are really into it as well.  Lucy is mesmerized by the gymnastics and William is a huge fan of all the swimming races.  Go Team USA!

4.  Speaking of sports, we discovered within the last few weeks that William really loves (and is really good at!) golf.  Brian used to play a lot of golf in the summer and I used to play with him every once in a while but then kids happened and the clubs started collecting dust.  On a whim I bought a cheap putter and chipping wedge in the toy section at Target and that's when we discovered William's enthusiasm.  So I signed him up for lessons and he's started playing a bit with Brian and it's just been so fun to watch this passion of his develop.  And also I'm really thankful this passion doesn't include the word hockey.  I'm a huge hockey fan but I grew up with a hockey brother and wasn't really interested in traveling every single weekend in the winter until the end of time.

5.  We are in the midst of genetic testing in our family.  It's a really long story but the short side is that we discovered Brian's mom carries a gene that can cause a heart defect.  A defect that already exists in Brian's brother.  Brian will be tested soon via cheek swab and if he is a carrier than each of our kids has a 50% chance of also being a carrier.  (But not a guarantee to have the defect, thankfully.)  It's a nerve-wracking process but also one in which we have absolutely zero control.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have really mixed emotions about all this.  I think I should be really worried about what this all means for our family and for all our nieces and nephews.  But I'm not at all.  So prayers, I guess, for wisdom to get through whatever the outcome may be.  Have you ever done genetic testing in your family?

6.  Yesterday I ran into a neighbor friend at the park.  She just recently had her third baby boy and she told me that when she and her husband found out I was pregnant for a fourth time, it made them want to consider also going for a fourth.  I thought this was funny because it's so the opposite of most people's reaction.  Usually people want to run out and stock up on as much birth control as they can get their hands on.  But in this case, it was nice to know that our going-for-it attitude has inspired another couple to rethink what the future might hold for their family.  Sometimes I think we think certain scenarios are impossible until we see someone just like us doing that very impossible thing and then, suddenly, it's in the realm of possibilities.

7.  This video, it will make your Friday afternoon a delight.  Enjoy!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Why We're Choosing Private School

This is a hard post to write because I still believe in public schools.  I have many friends who are public school teachers and I would choose any one of them to educate my children K-12.  They are the best in their profession.

You should also know that we didn't choose private school to "follow the crowd."  Our neighborhood is divided.  About a third go to the public school two blocks from our house, another third go to one of the various charter schools about a mile or two from our house and the remaining third go to the private school, the one William will attend in September, that is a block from our house.  There are also a handful of families in our neighborhood who are choosing to homeschool their children.  It's all a mixed bag which made the decision even more difficult for Brian and me.

Here are nine reasons we are choosing private school when William enters kindergarten this fall.

1. It's close.  You can't beat walking to school.  I don't have to deal with piling all the kids into the car in the dead of winter for drop-off and pick-up.  William doesn't have to spend an hour of his day riding a yellow school bus.  Instead he'll wait at the front door every morning for his middle school patrol leader to pick him up and every afternoon that same patrol leader will guide him back home.

2.  He didn't get in to the charter school.  We got a letter this past February letting us know that William was number 159 on the waiting list.  Even if he did get in, I'm not sure it would have changed our minds. But this outcome sure made our decision process a lot easier.

3.  Public schools aren't the same here or now.  I went to public school K-12 so it was hard to justify my great experience with our decision to not send my own kids to public school.  But I went to public school in a small town.  And it was the 80s.  A lot of things were different back then.  And there sure are a lot of things different about going to school in a small town versus going to school in the heart of a major metropolitan city.  Had we lived in a small town or even the suburbs, our decision may have been different.

4.  He stays at the same school through 8th grade.  Raise your hand if you had an out-of-this-world wonderful experience in middle school.  No?  Nobody?  Those junior high years are rough on everyone no matter what school you attend.  In our city, your elementary public school experience ends after fifth grade.  The students from those schools are then filtered into a handful of junior high schools for grades 6-8.  During those tumultuous years, doesn't it make more sense to keep things as consistent as possible for the students instead of dumping them into a new peer group and essentially forcing them to start their friend-making all over again?  In fact, studies show that the majority of middle school students who stay in the same school do not experience the academic decline shown by their peer counterparts who move to a new school.

5.  It isn't all about academics.  Maybe I'm the only one but I happen to believe school should be about more than just the three R's.  When we looked at the local public and charter schools most of their fact sheets included only percentages of students who passed proficiency tests in various subjects.  But on our initial tour of the private school the principal was touting emphasis on things like character development, community service, decision-making skills, team cooperation, conflict resolution and social and emotional well-being.  I'm sure public school students will gain these skills as well but I think it says something about a school as a whole when these are the philosophies they advertise first.

6. Faith formation is integrated into the classroom.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the private school we chose happens to be Catholic.  As a family of practicing Catholics, this aspect obviously played a role in our decision.  At a time when it seems the country is fighting tooth and nail to segregate faith completely, it gives peace of mind to know that my children won't run into a conflict for their Christian/Catholic values.

7.  There's a sense of community.  Many of the students who attend our private school are third or fourth generation.  Many of the teachers were once students at the school.  Alumni feel indebted and loyal to their schooling experience and continue to give back well into their adult years.  Many of them make lifelong relationships with the students, teachers and staff.  The community also extends beyond the school building walls as I can call many of the teachers my neighbors.

8.  Teachers work there because they want to work there.  Most private school teachers are paid much less than their public school counterparts.  Our private school is no different.  It's obvious, then, that the teachers who work there, are there because they believe in the school's mission and philosophy.  And as a parent, if you've ever watched Waiting for Superman, it's nice to know that none of the faculty are part of a union so any teacher who fails to do his or her job adequately can be let go quickly and efficiently.

9.  We probably can't afford it.  Alright, so this should be a reason not to send my children to private school, right?  But my point is that this wasn't an easy financial decision for us.  It feels so awkward when another parent tells me they wish they could send their child to our private school but that it was just too expensive.  I never know how to respond because what they are essentially implying is that it isn't too expensive for us.  Either that or we qualified for some huge financial aid package.  (We didn't get any financial aid, by the way.)  The truth is that we're not really sure how we're going to afford to send four kids to private school.  But we're cutting out unnecessary costs and we're taking it day by day, year by year.  We live in a house too small for six people.  We drive old cars.  We don't take elaborate vacations.  These are all lifestyle choices we've deliberately made.  I'm not saying every family should feel like it's necessary to bear this burden.  I'm just saying, it's a financial headache for us too.

Friday, July 20, 2012

7 Quick Takes [7.20.12]

1. I have some sad news to report. Yesterday we discovered that all three baby robins have died. We're not exactly sure what happened. (Does anyone ever know when it comes to nature?) William, especially, is pretty upset about this. In fact, he's more upset about this than he was about his grandparent's dog that died earlier this month. He has lots of questions that I don't know how to answer. I keep telling myself that this, too, is all a part of a good lesson.

2. I, too, find myself deeply saddened by this news. Why? It's just a bunch of robins. They're a dime a dozen around these parts. I am reminding myself of my good friend, Kali, who we tease relentlessly for her tree-hugging heart. She once called the Humane Society (or was it a vet clinic?) about a bunch of baby bunnies in her yard who were suddenly orphaned when a neighborhood cat got the mother. We all laughed at her sensitivity to bunnies because, after all, bunnies are not about to make it onto the endangered species list any time soon. But I'm starting to understand how she felt. When a mother chooses to make a nest on your property, you feel a sense of responsibility. What did I do wrong? Could I have done more? I know the answer to these questions. It's just one of those things. But still, I'm sad.

3. In other happy news, I got to have a lunch date with my husband today like a real, live grown-up. Katherine's bedtime routine seems to be a padlock with a combination that changes daily so we haven't been able to go out in the evenings. I was starting to feel a little trapped. And then it dawned on me: why not lunch?! Lunch and nap routines are much easier to work with. So I grabbed the neighborhood girl that we've been using all summer to babysit and I met Brian at one of the better lunch spots in St. Paul. (Eric, it was the Gnome!) I made sure it was a nice enough spot that I actually had to put on makeup, do my hair and pay attention to what I was wearing. We pretended like we were rich and that I was pregnant with our first baby. But when the topic quickly turned to the kids' swimming lesson report cards, we realized we weren't kidding anyone but ourselves.

4. I took this picture yesterday of a big brother trying to entice a little sister to crawl. I love the trail she's supposed to follow.  I also love her diaper butt.  Babies are awesome.
5.  Katherine doesn't have a lot of interest in getting up on all fours and crawling.  She can still get around within a two-foot radius by scooting or rolling.  After taking that picture I realized that had Katherine been my first child (maybe even my second) I might be a little worried that she's turning nine months on Monday and has no interest in crawling.  But this third time around I know she's perfectly perfect.  She's exactly where she's supposed to be for being Katherine.  And besides, with another on the way I'm not exactly sure I want to encourage any kind of mobility anyway.

6.  I'm so sad that summer is already more than half done.  And also, I'm so relieved that summer is already more than half done.  I love the freedom and flexibility of summer while at the same time craving the routine that the school year brings.  I love the sunshine and extra daylight while also yearning for darkness come evening so my kids would go to sleep just one hour earlier.  I love the heat for its carefree tank tops and skirts but miss the chill for wearing my long-sleeved tees and tall boots.  And college football!  We are counting the days.  (New readers should know that I am not at all being sarcastic about this.  I heart college football.)  School supplies are already out on all the shelves at Target.  Sharpened pencils.  New crayons.  Fresh, clean notebooks.  I kind of love it.

7.  Lastly, I want to thank all of you for your kind words of encouragement, prayers and thoughtfulness when I announced my pregnancy.  I have no doubt that this journey is going to have a lot of ups and downs and it's so wonderful to know that I can still be honest in this place without feeling judged for our decisions.  You are the reason I keep on writing even when I think I want to quit again and again.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

FAQ: This Pregnancy

  • I'm due December 15 which is Brian's birthday.  I like to tease that for getting me pregnant he loses his birthday.  But secretly, I'm hoping the baby is born on my dad's birthday because then the baby's birthday will be 12.12.12.
  • I keep calling this pregnancy a "planned surprise."  We have always planned on having four children.  That part does not overwhelm me.  The surprise part (and most overwhelming, if you ask me) is how close #3 and #4 came.  But ironically, people are more shocked that we are having four children as opposed to the fact that my youngest will only just turn nine-months-old this coming Monday.
  • When I first found out I was pregnant, I was more emotional about having to be pregnant all over again.  Having another little one to care for in a few months will be challenging, but I wasn't upset about it.  Finding out I was pregnant was kind of like finishing a marathon and then, as soon as you cross the finish line, someone telling you that you needed to do it all over again.  I used to be someone who loved being pregnant.  I'm so over that.  Bring on the baby.  Get rid of this belly.
  • I have been feeling much less nauseous this time around than I did with my other pregnancies.  But the fatigue.  Oh my, the fatigue!
  • I know this is superficial, but right now one of the most challenging parts of this pregnancy is that I feel so self-conscience when I am out and about in public with Katherine in tow.  I feel like people are either saying to themselves (A) "Her baby is so young.  Is she already having another?!" or (B) "Her baby doesn't look like a newborn but that mom looks like she hasn't even come close to losing her baby weight yet."  I'm either crazy or lazy.
  • Speaking of being crazy, I can't seem to get the song line "...and this is crazy!" out of my head from "Call Me Maybe" whenever I think about my pregnancy.
  • After MUCH debate we will probably keep our baby's gender a surprise just like we did with our other three.  Part of me wanted to find out this time.  Brian and William are really, really, hoping for a boy and if it's a girl, well, I wanted to know now so that we can all fall in love with the idea of having three girls and a boy and be OK with that.  I left the decision up to Brian and in the end he decided he wanted to be surprised just like we were with the others.
  • My midwife let me know right away that it was safe to keep on breastfeeding Katherine through my pregnancy.  But wow has it been hard!  CRAZY hard.  In fact, this topic will be a whole other post all on its own.  She's now only nursing once a day and that makes me super sad.  I'm giving in to the idea that I probably won't breastfeed her until her first birthday like I did with my other two.  I have a lot of guilt about this but I'm slowly letting it go.  She's such a healthy little thing and she doesn't even want to nurse so I know that all the guilt I have comes only from me.
  • Let's talk vehicles.  A lot of people have asked us if we will keep our Highlander.  The short answer is yes.  We do have a third row in that car so technically we will all fit even though it will be a squeeze and it will be challenging to get everyone in and out.  We can afford a new vehicle but it seemed a little excess to me at this point when our Highlander has been nothing but reliable.  I'm sure my tune will change in a year or so but for now, it stays.
  • Let's talk bedrooms.  We have three.  And the possibility of a fourth when we finish the basement in a few years.  I'm not going to buy a new crib.  I plan on keeping the new baby in our bed and in the Pack 'n' Play bassinette for the first four months and then hopefully transitioning Katherine out of her crib when she's eighteen months.  I haven't decided yet if I'm going to pair up the babies or move Katherine in with the big kids.  I've also thought about pairing up William and the new baby since he's a rockstar sleeper (he won't wake if the baby cries) and since he'll be in bed early and up early for school in the fall.  Any advice from others who have been in a similar situation?
I have a lot more topics to write about on the subject of this impending baby but hopefully this answers most of the questions you may have had.  Let me know if there's anything of interest you'd like to know about and I'll try to answer as honestly as I can.  Like, for example Q: Does having four kids under age six make you go insane? A: A little bit.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Earth's Best Partnership

I'm excited to announce that I've partnered with Earth's Best in an effort to open up a dialogue about using products and foods that are "better for baby."

Obviously, I'm right smack dab in the middle of a season with growing little ones so this is a topic of great interest to me.  But even if you don't have an infant or toddler at home I'm still interested in hearing what you did back then.  I know many of my opinions, product purchases and habits have changed in the five short years since I had my first baby.  I think this is, in part, thanks to the plethora of health information we have been inundated with and now have at our fingertips.  And it's also thanks to companies like Earth's Best for stepping up and offering parents organic, natural alternatives at affordable prices.

Over the next few months I'll be writing about infant and baby care topics that are near and dear to my heart.  I'll also be doing some product reviews and, of course, there will be plenty of opportunities for reader giveaways!

When Earth's Best first approached me about a partnership, it didn't take me long to agree because I'm already so fond of many of their products.  My favorite is their Wholesome Breakfast baby food jars.  Sometimes I wish they made an adult version.

But Earth's Best is more than just organic baby food.  Did you know they also make things like natural wipes, baby shampoo and home cleaning products?

Do you make a habit of buying organic, natural products and foods?  Have you ever purchased any Earth's Best products?

* I have received Earth's Best products for review purposes.  All opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Robin Watch 2012

We have babies! Baby robins, that is.

The kids and I are thoroughly enjoying this little science lesson in our very own backyard.
The first little guy (or gal!) hatched yesterday.  At first I didn't think he was alive because this was the only position I could capture him in.  But I think he was just protecting his brother and sister.
After many inspections, Brian figured out if he whistled or lightly tapped on the nest that that would prompt him to put his head up searching for food.

(I'm just guessing that's what he's screaming based on my own experience as a mother.)
I just took a peek this afternoon and found all three babies hatched!  I wonder how they're feeling on this 100-degree day?!  The kids and I have agreed to name them Flap, Little Wing and McFly.  (Back to the Future lines are in abundance around here.)

And finally, here's a fun little video to show your kids -- or enjoy for yourself!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Big Surprise [The Best Kind]

Yesterday I wrote about a mama robin bird who was "harboring a secret" in our very own backyard.

Today I write to tell you that I've been harboring my own little secret. One of the very best kinds of secrets. Perhaps you noticed in a few of our vacation trip photos?  But if not, let me lay it out for you crystal clear. Here is a picture of my brother and me. Can you spot the third person?

That's right, dear readers, we are expecting our fourth child.

"Wait, didn't she just have a baby?"  I can hear you all in unison.

Yes. Yes, I did.  I hear there's a special place in heaven for mothers with four children under the age of six.  We missed the cut for Irish twins by two months, however, so we're not that crazy.

You may also notice that my bump is a bit large for just announcing and that's because I'm not newly pregnant. Oh, and probably also because I just had a baby.  I am already four and a half months into this ride.

I purposely waited a while to make this announcement public because people have some strong opinions about family size and baby-spacing and I just couldn't take any negative energy.  I fully realize our lives are going to be nothing short of an all out gong show.  But every baby deserves to be celebrated and seeing as this could very well be our final bun in the oven (more on that later) I'm trying to savor the "lasts."

More answers to all your burning questions later.  In the meantime I'll let the shock and surprise sink in.  If you're like me, it might take a while.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Look Closely

This is the ivy that grows on part of the fence in our backyard.  Can you see her?  Look closely.
There she is.

Last week I noticed a robin who was suspiciously interested in one corner of our backyard.  When I saw her land in the ivy I knew she must be harboring a secret.
It took me a lot of tries to get this last picture because that birdie is one attentive mama.  She must have been on her lunch break at the time.

It seems late in the season for baby robins, no?  But so much fun to watch for me and the kids.  I'll keep you updated!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Talking to Kids About Death

This isn't exactly a happy topic for a Monday but this weekend Brian and I were trying to process a couple of deaths we learned of over the weekend.

One was sudden and tragic. It was the father of our brother-in-law. Even though we had only met him a few times, Brian and I were both extremely fond of this man. We were so saddened to learn of his passing and even more so our hearts ached for his three sons and four grandsons.

Later that same day we learned that Brian's parents had made the heart-wrenching decision to put down their yellow lab, Ellie, who was only three years old. This wasn't a huge surprise as Ellie had been battling quite a few health problems lately. Now I'm the kind of person who thinks that a dog is a dog and a dog is not a person. It doesn't mean I'm not sympathetic. I certainly can understand the kind of companionship a dog provides. But most families, after losing a pet, can and will get a new pet and it helps ease the loss and fill the void. This can almost never happen when a person dies.

But I was particularly concerned after Ellie's death because William was very close to this dog. When we would Skype Brian's parents he would ask to see Ellie. When we would call them on the phone he would ask to talk to her. And when we visited he spent 90% of his time playing with her. He loved this dog.
So I wasn't quite sure how to tell him the news and I really wasn't sure how he would take it.

On Sunday morning Brian and I sat him down and I reminded him of how sick Ellie had been.  I told him that when people get sick they can usually just rest and they get better very quickly.  But when a dog gets sick it's very hard for them to get better.  I told him that Nana and Papa had taken Ellie to the doctor and that the doctor said Ellie was very, very sick and that later in the day she had died.

At first his eyes got wide and he said, "She did?!"

Then I explained that dogs just don't live as long as people do.  (I understand most dogs live longer than three years but I didn't want to scare him into thinking the next time he got sick he was going to die like Ellie did.)  After that I asked if he had any questions.

He asked if Nana and Papa would get a new dog.

I said, probably.

I asked if he had any other questions.

He asked if he could go back and play his game.

And that was that.  He hasn't really mentioned it since.

Maybe he doesn't get it.  Maybe he'll understand fully the next time we're at Brian's parent's house and Ellie is nowhere to be found.

But a big part of me thinks he does get it.  Maybe he just really loves dogs and isn't particular to a certain one as long as there's just a dog present.

Have you had to cover the topic of death with your children after experiencing a loss?  How did you do it and how did your children react?

Friday, July 6, 2012

7 Quick Takes [7.6.12]

1. Holy buckets full of heat and humidity! Today is something like our 100th day with an excessive heat warning. We've gone into triple digits multiple times in the past week and that's no small feat for Minnesota. But more than the mercury, it's the humidity that is completely indescribable. Still, when someone posted a picture on Facebook of Minneapolis shortly after a wicked blizzard with the caption, "Look refreshing?" I found myself replying, "Nope." There's still no heat oppressive enough to make me yearn for January.

2. We came home from vacation on Monday morning and have been having a hard time getting out of vacation mode ever since. Wednesday was a holiday but really all week has been slow at the office for Brian. Add in the heat and we have been laaaah-zee. Yesterday we ate out at a restaurant as a family twice. In one day. That's happened, um, never. Every day I blow up the pool and dig out the swimsuits that have just barely dried from the day before. It's the stuff of memories, I know. But I'm also secretly hoping for some normalcy come Monday morning. My laundry basket and kitchen floors are begging me.

3. Yesterday when the baby woke up from her afternoon nap and I was in the middle of something (probably busy being lazy) I sent William upstairs to entertain her until I could get to her. Katherine loves this as William is one of her all-time favorite people ever. But just a couple minutes later William was coming back down the stairs saying, "I got her, Mom!" I turned to the staircase to see him hobbling down the stairs, holding Katherine tightly just above her shoulders but not quite her neck, thank God. Katherine was kicking her legs one hundred miles per hour and grinning ear to ear; basically just loving life.

"Oh my God!" I screamed, and raced up the stairs to grab her. Katherine let out a shriek of laughter and it took every single ounce of my willpower not to smile or laugh as I reprimanded William explaining the dangers that surly could have happened. Still, one of the cutest and funniest things I've witnessed in a while.

4.  Thank you to everyone who responded to my laundry poll a few weeks ago.  I was surprised and impressed at how many of you do laundry every day.  Laundry is one of my favorite household chores but even still I don't run the washer every day.  I average about every three days not including the days when I wash the bed sheets and bath towels.  I do about two loads (one darks, one whites) during the day and then fold everything in the evening after the kids have gone to bed, usually while I'm watching some television with Brian.  I leave the baskets of folded laundry out in the hall or in our bedroom and then make a point to put everything away right away in the morning while the kids are getting dressed.  Is there anything better than an empty laundry basket?

5. Question: Can you give an 8-month-old an entire chocolate cookie?
Answer: Yes.

6.  This is William and Lucy shortly before a 4th of July bike parade commenced at our friends' house who live not far from us here in St. Paul.
And this is exactly what I love about St. Paul.  It's so old school.  Unlike our experience when we lived in the suburbs, very few people go out of town for the 4th holiday.  Instead there are barbecues and sprinklers in the street and a grand Capitol fireworks display and backyard bonfires and ice cream melting down to your elbows and neighborly goodness and sidewalk chalk and lemonade and good quality beer.  And, of course, your occasional bike parade.

7.  A few weeks ago I told Brian I wanted to take a hiatus from my blog.  A couple of months or so off to see what would happen.  Would it reignite my spark for ideas or would I barely miss it at all?  But then I felt guilty about all the memories I'd be missing out on in Katherine's life that I captured for William and Lucy at the same age.  So instead we talked about some changes that would make it easier for me to blog including both the physical location of the computer as well as the kinds of topics I should start covering.  So start looking for a few of those transformation coming down the line slowly but surly starting with one giant surprise coming next week!
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