I always seem to forget.
The best pictures I capture
are the ones
when they don't even know I'm there.
My little beach baby.
"Come out little bean plant. It's springtime!"
Two bean containers and one zucchini have sprouted. I know it's only a 30% success rate so far but at least I have something to cheer on while I wait for the other seven to be brave enough to come out of the soil.
The only problem was that this was a designer handbag. It was half the price of its original retail value. But even that price was still twice as much as I was willing to spend on a purse.
After carrying that purse around the store for eons I decided that I could not, in good conscience, spend that amount of money on a purse. I thought about how many groceries I could buy with that amount of money. Or how many gallons of gas I could buy for our car. Or what that money would cover in a month's worth of bills.
Being a mom has made me so practical. And practical is sooo boring. But somebody has to take the burden so I guess it'll be me.
Fast forward a few weeks: I could not, for the life of me, stop thinking about this stupid, but oh-so-beautiful purse. The soft feel of its genuine leather. The perfect size of its interior. The just-right length of its strap. The not-too-bright but not-too-soft greenish color.
I think I believed that this purse was fated to be my lover for all of time.
Yesterday was my birthday. It fell on a Sunday this year so instead Brian planned something special for Saturday. My Birthday Saturday, as he called it.
My brother was slated to come over and Brian and I had the afternoon and evening all to ourselves. We went shopping, among other things. We were supposed to go directly downtown but when we got in the car I asked if perhaps we could just swing by Marshall's real quick. And because it was MY Birthday Saturday, he agreed.
I walked in the store and briskly marched back to the purse section. There it was was! My lover was still there waiting for me.
"Get it," my other lover named, Brian, said.
No discussion. No back and forth. No pondering. Brian's not a careless spender. But he knew I wanted it and he knew it was my Birthday Saturday, after all. Plus, I think he was sick of me whining about it.
Being practical is good. But allowing ourselves to spend a little extra every once in a great while is pretty good too. And I can't tell you how happy it makes me to slip that beautiful, green purse over my shoulder whenever I leave the house.
So that's how I got the purse that almost wasn't.
Lucy doesn't crawl forward yet, or maybe never. But she does crawl backwards allowing herself to get anywhere and into anything that her mischievous little heart desires.
But when she's not crawling she likes to get into a downward-facing dog yoga pose of sorts. It alternates between that and plank position. Brian and I timed her last night after baths and she was literally in this position WITHOUT PUTTING HER KNEES DOWN for more than five minutes.
Her little arms shake. She rocks her bottom up and down, back and forth. But still, she refuses to give in and let herself get down until she's ready.
Determined little stinker, this one is.
And when that went well I thought for sure I could go to the grocery store on Monday morning with both kids in tow. I made sure to go to the nicer grocery store (same chain, just different neighborhood) which is three extra miles from the not-so-nice store. (A clean store with baggers makes all the difference, don't you think?)
William walked, not always beside me but he was just trying to be helpful. He would race down the pasta aisle to find his favorite shape of noodles. Things like that. And Lucy was just happy to be perched in the cart watching every one and every thing.
I realize that a few developmental things have played a big part in getting me out. One, William is completely potty-trained. And by that I mean I don't have to ask him if he has to go constantly and if he does have to go, he can hold it long enough until we get home.
And two, Lucy doesn't nurse as frequently as when she was a newborn. Who wants to try to find a place to nurse in the middle of a grocery store when your baby is screaming? Not me.
I think I'll still always lean to the staying-at-home side of things but it's nice to know that we've finally arrived to a point where we can live the house if we want to without a whole lot of stressors.
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